In June we began to ask candidates to fill out questionnaires to help you understand your choices on the ballot.
Our editorial board planned to interview candidates in July for races that would have a presumptive new officeholder based on the Aug. 18 primary. The editorial board planned to consider making recommendations in those races.
Graduate Vero Beach High School Graduate Indian River State College AA degree, Attended SUNY State University of New York Distance Learning Program in Public Safety
Worked in family businesses since I was 12 years old, Vero Beach Ice and Storage, Blue Crystal Water, Earman Oil Co., Courtesy House Auto/Truck Stop and Earman’s Garden Feed and Hay.
I’m running for office to give back to this community that has given so much to me and my family since 1928. Being a lifelong resident I know where we have been and want to help make sure we know where we need to go and how to get there properly to benefit all. I ran for this same office 4 years ago and lost in a close race to the current incumbent. Immediately after that election many people constantly contacted me and asked if I would run again, I declined. this continued and then after certain actions and votes made by the current commissioner on issues such as our lagoon, county health insurance cost and many other issues I decided last August to pursue this seat again, to bring it back to you, the citizens of this county and District #3.
Right now it would have to be the affects of COVID-19 on the county economy, businesses and the finances of the county. Are the affects going to be long or short term. Let’s hope short term, but if not tough decisions will have to be made and I will be able to make those tough calls bases on the best interest of our entire county.
Non COVID-19 issues would be to tackle our water quality and Lagoon heath, make sure or growth is “smart” and properly managed, find a way to make employee and retiree health insurance affordable for all and that our public safety officials have the needed resources they require.
To get straight to the point, my opponent, the current commission has made himself totally ineffective as a commissioner. He can not get two more votes on any initiative he would try to get through so technically our commission is working at 80%. I will not pander for votes and flip flop on issues and will do what I say as you will know where I stand on the issues. I will be a good listener and will make your concerns my priority. I do this not for the paycheck or personal gain and satisfaction but to further my service. I also believe in term limits for elected officials as public office should be a service and not a career.
Served as Board Member and Executive Committee Member for NESARC. National Endangered Species Reform Coalition.
Indian River Lagoon Advocate: Founding Board Member of “STIRLEN” Save the Indian River Lagoon Estuary Now, Inc. a 501c3. STIRLEN is fast tracking pilot projects to help recover and restore the Indian River Lagoon.
The pandemic is threatening our health and our economy. As your County Commissioner I have worked closely with the county’s health department, the county’s administrator, local businesses, and area non-profits to meet the challenge. I am running to continue to work for solutions to problems posed by this once in a lifetime scourge. An emergency like the one we are now facing requires an understanding of the issues and experience when so much hangs in the balance.
The world is in disarray! Every day seems to have a new challenge. I want to continue to protect our slice of paradise. My first job as a county commissioner is to ensure that our citizens are safe and secure. I tell you this, I will NEVER ever Defund Law Enforcement.
Freeze taxes and spending. Like almost every citizen in Indian River County, the county is sure to face tough economic times. I have proposed a policy of no tax increases and to freeze spending at last years levels. I am running to make sure that government does not just continue on its merry way while citizens lose their jobs, their businesses, their homes and even their lives.
Control of Special Interest. One major danger we face is meeting the demands of some our unions. I am running to provide what is needed to protect our citizens but not to open the floodgate by giving the unions direct access to the county’s general fund. My opponent is a one issue candidate hiding behind his past of being a recent former president the union heavily backing him with money and manpower. He has openly committed to providing “anything they want and need”. You want a financial disaster? Give a blank check to my opponent.
I see over the next year a litany of particularly important decision that we as a commission are going to have to overcome. You have my personal commitment to advocating for:
1. Protecting the community from the Covid-19 pandemic and securing the health and safety for our citizens.
4. Doing what is necessary to help businesses get back in operation and for people to return to work. County government cannot continue to add to the cost of business through regulations, red tape, and fees.
5. Do not forget our children! While we fight battles and worry about budgets, we cannot forget our responsibility to our youngest citizens. I have and will continue to be a dedicated children’s advocate. The Children’s Service Council, volunteer service for adoption, and foster care just scratch the surface of the things needed to adequately address the areas important for poverty-stricken kids and families. I am proud to be known as the children’s commissioner.
Experience: I have been a County Commissioner for eight of the toughest years Indian River County has ever faced. We defeated the great recession and hurricanes. We continue to battle threats to our environment, threats to health, and safety posed by the train. We now face new challenges and my experience is needed to help meet those challenges.
Public Sector Experience: I have 40 years of experience as a business owner and a businessman. At age of 19, I was one of the youngest to ever pass the Florida General Contractors exam. I have long career of understanding the challenges and struggles that individuals face in trying to run a business. My opponent on the other hand will never experience a loss of income because as an employee of IRC he retired with a lucrative union retirement package, but yet, he claims to know what families and small business owners are going through.
Loyalty: My loyalty is to the residents of Indian River County. As a third generation native my love for my home community runs deep. This is where I have chosen to build my business and raise my family. It concerns me that my opponent’s first loyalty is to the union where he served as President.
Independently representing the people verses special interest: Another difference is my list of endorsers. My supporters are solution driven and understand the contributions I have made during my time on the commission.
1. I am being supported by individuals that worked tirelessly on the sale of Vero Beach Electric with FPL. For example, Dr. Stephen Faherety and many others who brought the sale to a successful conclusion saving our citizens millions. My opponent on the other hand is supported by people who opposed the Sale of Vero Electric.
My opponent is backed by people who tried to get charter government in Indian River County, that allows for a powerful interest group to appoint officials including the sheriff.
3. I am being supported by entrepreneurs that are job creators and contribute heavily to the local tax base. My opponents list includes officials who loaded down businesses with burdensome fees and regulations that became job and business killers.
I will always bring integrity and independency to the District 3 Commission seat. I am not a “yes” man for special interest. That does not mean I do not get along with people. For me what that means is quite the opposite, it means I come to my own conclusions based on what is in the best for the entire community, not just one little group. I am someone that ask a lot of questions and researches the issues. I do not rubber stamp items that comes across the commission just because I am being pressured. I am known to stand up to special interest groups, working hard for the people, and not bowing down to individuals with influence.
I would encourage you to visit my website to read the extensive list of my accomplishments and initiatives. Over my term I have been working hard to protect our community. To name just a few areas:
1. I played an instrumental part in selling Vero Electric saving our residents and businesses. Each and every day local rate payers now save $54,000 or $20 million on their local electric bills.
2. The Indian River Lagoon Council was formed but Indian River County was not a voting member. I brought forward three separate vote attempts to secure Indian River County as a voting member before final successful. (The Indian River Lagoon Council is responsible to develop and implement the IRLNEP Lagoon National Estuary Plan. This plan is the roadmap to help recover and restore the Lagoon.)
3. The Bethel Creek Flushing study has been a goal of mine prior to being elected. After years of effort and community support the state approved funding to FIT Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne to conduct the Phase I of the study. Preliminary results are back, and they are very encouraging. Phase II of the flushing study was recently approved by Governor DeSantis in the state budget.
Yes. As we are seeing in the current market not all economic downturns can be forecasted. As a general contractor during the beginning of the housing depression my partners and I had in hand signed customer contracts with deposits on a multitude of homes valuing in the millions of dollars. The clients walked away from their obligation to close and left us with carrying the burden of the construction finance loans. These experiences have made me a wiser better commissioner because I have walked in the shoes of the business owners that are struggling under the current market conditions.
Bachelors in Finance–Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, MBA from Northwestern University
Head of the Fixed Income Group–Vanguard Group (managed a global investment team of 125 persons responsible for the investment of $750 Billion of bond and money market assets) 2003-2014
Senior Portfolio Manager–Vanguard Group (managed a variety of money market and bond funds investing in Treasury, corporate, sovereign, and municipal bonds) 1981-2003
From the moment when Nancy, my wife of 42 years, and I made Indian River County our home, we found a welcoming community. I asked myself how I could give back to my fellow citizens to make it an even better place to live. I realized that local government has an enormous impact on our lives, much more so than the state and Federal governments that get all the press. I decided to take the knowledge that I had acquired working 36 years in the investment management business, especially municipal finance, to help government provide its services more effectively and cost-efficiently. It is easy to sit on the sidelines and complain. It is a lot more work to roll up one’s sleeves and be part of the solution. As you can see from my list of community involvement and accomplishments in local governments (all without any compensation) I have taken the hard work route. I believe that, when possible, conduct analysis using hard numbers and facts. One of the most powerful things you can take into a government meeting is a spreadsheet.
Top initial priority is to deal with the impact of the pandemic on the County’s people, economy, and government finances. It is unlikely over the near term that there will be a miracle cure that will reverse its effects or an effective vaccine (I hope that I am wrong on these points) so what steps should the County be taking in conjunction with the medical community and other experts to protect our citizens and get our economy going again. Economic hardship is a major component of this disease that has to be addressed. The County’s finances have been impacted by the sharp dropoff in sales tax revenues and tourist tax revenues. In addition, it is likely that aid from the State and Federal governments will decline. The question is how temporary is this. This situation will have to be analyzed very carefully.
Three things distinguish me from my opponents in this race–my skill set, work ethic, and a record of accomplishment. The financial analysis skills that I have acquired in my 36 years of managing hundreds of Billions of dollars of other people’s money give me a leg up in ensuring that the taxpayer’s money is used efficiently to deliver government’s essential services. I have a very strong work ethic as can be seen by all the government boards and commissions that I have served on. Government officials reach out to me to serve on those boards, and I do so willingly to make the County a better place to live. Importantly, I have done this government service while receiving ZERO compensation.
Finally, I have a record of getting things accomplished. The Indian River Taxpayers Association gave me their “Fiscal Conservative of the Year” award in 2018 “in recognition of your efforts to save taxpayer dollars for all citizens of Indian River County.” Three examples of accomplishments: #1–As Councilman on the Town of Indian River Shores Council I proposed the sale of Town owned surplus property ($4.6 MM sales price). I persuaded Council to use the money to fully fund the Public Safety Pension Fund and the Other Post- Employment Benefit (OPEB) Fund (which funds future retiree healthcare benefits) rather than do a one-time tax cut as another Councilman wanted. Results: Pension Fund as of the close of the Fiscal Year 2019 was 107% funded and the OPEB Trust was 142% funded. We were able to reduce the Town’s ongoing contributions to these two Funds resulting in a cut of the Town’s property tax millage rate by 19%. #2–I served as Chairman of the Indian River County School District School Board Audit Committee. Based on information I gathered regarding School Board attorney compensation in other counties, we recommended that the School Board attorney contract (which currently pays $264,000 a year plus expenses) be put out to bid to see if we could save the School District money to use to teach students. That is occurring now. #3–I proposed ways to FDOT to speed hurricane evacuation westbound on State Route 60 near the Florida Turnpike that is now being implemented.
Leadership Florida, Cornerstone Class XXXVII, 2019 State University of NY at Albany, B.A., cum laude, 1974
2020 President’s Award, Pelican Island Audubon Society, for transforming the City Hall landscape from a grass lawn to rain gardens, native and Florida-friendly plants.
Prior to elected public office, I spent my career in the private sector. Executive experience as Director of Sales Promotion on a national basis (Sterling Optical NYSE). High-pressure, results-driven position with a large budget and staff.
The first civilian to be elected to the Board. Vote was by general membership. There was no requirement to elect a civilian.
2020 President’s Award, Pelican Island Audubon Society, for transforming the City Hall landscape from a grass lawn to rain gardens, native and Florida-friendly plants.
Secured funding for the Veterans’ Art Program (2019) and Fellsmere Elementary School Art Program (2016) during my term.
Nothing tops truly representing the will of the people and protecting their best interests. Being Mayor and holding local elected office is the best job of my life. Coming in first in the 2016 general election for Vero Beach City Council then first again in the general election of 2018 is a great honor. I thank each and every individual who took the time to make his/her will known. You gave me a mandate and the confidence that comes with it. I never forget that all power comes from you.
Since 2016, when I became the first woman ever to start her City Council term as Mayor in the 100-year history of Vero Beach, I proudly have worn my official name badge everyday everywhere I go. This simple act has served to encourage people to speak with me anytime anywhere about anything on their minds. It keeps me in-touch with their hopes and dreams, as well as their fears and concerns, for our community.
People can come away from me with the knowledge that they have direct access to local government. That their thoughts and feelings are important and will be considered in the decision-making process. It is not a one-time event; it is the start of a relationship. I invite them to contact me at any time. I view local government and my role in it as a partnership with the People. A sacred trust. There should be no rulers from on-high. A grassroots leader in touch with the People is more important than ever today. I delight in people. I relish problem-solving. I am blessed with the grit to drill deeply into the necessary data then hold a position based upon it, and the grace to build the partnerships that advance those positions for the benefit of all. For that combination of grit and grace, I thank my parents.
My late-parents lived in the Vero Beach Highlands. My father served elected terms as President and as Treasurer of the Vero Beach Highlands Property Owners Association. And he called the letters at their bingo! Yes, he loved people. As do I. My mother served as a volunteer for the Indian River Memorial Hospital Auxiliary at their thrift shop for twenty years. I’m proud of their service to our community and thankful for the fine example they set. They loved Vero. My only regret is that they did not live to see me as Mayor.
“But how were the parties able to orchestrate Vero Beach’s exit from the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA), a challenge that had for decades derailed prior attempts at reaching a deal? A key to facilitating negotiations was that the city and the agency both saw leadership changes in 2016.
Vero Beach elected Laura Moss mayor with a mandate to effect a sale of its utility, an issue with which she was familiar from her time on the city’s Utilities Commission. Moss and Williams (CEO, FMPA) said they decided at the outset of talks to view each other as partners, not adversaries. Both Williams and Moss spoke of how they wanted to clear things up, both substantively and stylistically. ‘You make progress by having good communication and good will’, Moss said. With fresh perspectives and a collaborative approach, the parties reached a rapid resolution.”
Note: Full article, “How FPL-Vero Deal went from “War” to “Godsend”, reprinted with permission of Standard + Poor’s Global Market Intelligence at
Build good working relationships and new partnerships between the County Commission and the County’s people, municipalities, businesses, non-profits, and churches, in order to enhance and protect our sense of community and the natural beauty of this place.
Good working relationships and new partnerships can provide a solid foundation for fresh perspectives and a collaborative approach to resolving problems, even long-standing ones.
See my response to the previous question for an example, the sale of Vero Electric to FPL. Visit for the S+P Global Market Intelligence article, “How FPL-Vero Deal went from “War” to “Godsend” describing it.
Budgets will change and new issues may arise in the next four years. Issues currently facing us include our safety/security as related to the threat of COVID, our aging infrastructure, our economic growth, our viability as a home to our hardworking middle-class, our environmental health, our children, our homeless and less fortunate, and other important matters such as negotiating optimal safety measures with regard to the high-speed trains that are expected to travel through our County.
Lawsuits should be a last resort. Legal bills are the worst case scenario. Exhaust diplomacy before you empty the taxpayers’ wallets. The County’s current history with regard to lawsuits is disappointing, to say the least. For example, total budgeted legal expenses to-date expended to stop the Train are $3,979,421. The Train still is coming. Meanwhile, according to the Affordable Housing Resolution passed jointly by the South Florida and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Councils last October, 51% of Indian River County is ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) and that money spent on losing lawsuits could have gone a long way toward solving their problems or addressing any of the issues cited above.
Before I became Mayor, $335,038 was spent on lawsuits (2013-2016) on the the sale of Vero electric, yet the six parties (Indian River County, Vero Beach, Indian River Shores, FPL, Orlando Utilities Commission, and FMPA) were refusing even to speak with each other by phone when I came onboard. The ill will seemed insurmountable, and probably would have been without the change in leadership that occurred in 2016 when I became Mayor and Mr. Jacob Williams assumed control of FMPA. The year I was Mayor, the County’s legal bill dropped to $880.
Note: Source for all expenditures is See for reprint of S+P Global Market Intelligence article, “How FPL-Vero Deal went from “War” to “Godsend”.
When I became the first civilian elected to the Board of Directors of Veterans Council, Chairman Martin Zickert said, “As an organization, we are seeking to diversify our board with members who reach out to the community in new ways and create new partnerships. Laura Moss is well-known for her ability to do this. We are pleased to have her aboard. ”
3) Use of Tourist Tax for a lifeguard command center at Humiston Beach Park. This is a public safety issue. Vero Beach Lifeguard Association reports that beach attendance in May 2020 broke the previous year’s record with visitors.
4) Sebastian Annexation. The County could have facilitated better communication among the parties perhaps avoiding the lawsuit and some of the turmoil that ensued.
The first civilian to be elected to the Board of Directors of Veterans Council of Indian River County.
For details, see “How FPL-Vero Deal went from “War” to “Godsend”, reprinted with permission of Standard + Poor’s Global Market Intelligence at
Small talk is no small matter. Sense of community is enlarged and strengthened with every new interaction.
I have two interns currently. A young woman in high-school and a young man in college. Unsolicited. Separate sources and unknown to me until now. They have been following my actions in the community over a period of time and requested to be a part of my life as Vice Mayor and candidate for County Commission to learn from me. Both are interested in Political Science. Each is a delight to me.
In 2014, I received 19,147 (46%) of the vote for Hospital District, Seat 2. My first race and close enough to whet my appetite for more. Very exciting and it gave me an opportunity to meet all kinds of people around the County and to make friends I still hold dear today. By the way, that’s how a woman from Vero Beach ends up on the Board for the Roseland Community Association, in case anyone was wondering.
For details on distinguishing features, please see previous responses. Neither of my opponents has the accomplishments nor the depth of experience or the involvement in the community that I have demonstrated for years.
25 years administration–Dean, Assistant Principal, Principal of 2 middle schools and 1 high school, Executive Director of Secondary
5 years at the Florida High School Athletic Association—Assistant Executive Director of Athletics and Associate Executive Director of Administrative Services
Past volunteer work—Soccer Coach, Habitat for Humanity, Facilitator for Civic Groups, St. Helen’s Harvest Festival, United Way Panel Chair for Education Grants, Relay for Life Volunteer, Team Parent for Soccer and Baseball Might Mites
I am running because I care about this community and school district and more importantly, I know this community.
The best thing a community can do for all of their students is give them a great school system.We want to make sure the graduates of the system are productive and responsible citizens. Whether they head off to college, joined the armed forces, or go right into the work force, we want them to be successful.
Research has shown that the teacher has the most impact of a student as far as student achievement and gains—if we want responsible and productive students, we need to hire and retain great teachers.
When elected in November, I would make sure our students are safe and secure at school—most likely we will still be dealing with the health of our students regarding Covid 19. This will be tough for schools to constantly monitor but as a board member would work closely with the Superintendent to check on the status and be there to support our schools on what they need.
Also, making sure all of our schools are secured regarding safety–physical structure of our schools and also mental health of our students. Our students have dealt with a lot this summer, and our African American students more so. I want to be part of a School Board where we recognize what all of our students need.
I have walked the walk—I have a lengthy record of public service that many community members recognize.
I am a student advocate and have shown the ability to work with all pockets of our community, not just one section. I am a consensus builder and team player. Most importantly, I will do my homework. Board agendas are lengthy but I will have done my homework.
I know and understand the board rules and responsibilities and will not get into other areas. The Superintendent runs the district and the Board guides him and holds him accountable.
Certified IRS Federal and State tax preparer;University of Cambridge,UK(studied international business abroad)2000;University of North Georgia,(studied business administration, major in accounting)1997-2000;University of Kentucky, 1990-1994
Oversight and implementation provider for payment processing systems for shop-at-home television networks
Manager of external relations with vendors and financial institutions for multi-million dollar corporations
Christian Family Builders Adoption, Foster, and Orphan Care resource provider and 501c3 co-founder, 2008-present
The public-school system is a system resistant to change but with great leadership we do not have to be like other school districts. We can break the norms that are holding us back and be a fantastic district with innovative thinking. Since May of 2019, the SDIRC has been heading in a new direction and it is extremely exciting to be a part of creating the change. Now under new district leadership we are on our way to being the top 10 school districts in the state.
I spent my first three years on the School Board challenging the status quo, questioning the budget, and bringing the issues to the forefront concerning the mismanagement occurring behind the scenes.
During my short amount of time in office my education and career experience has been a critical asset to the Indian River County School Board. I understand the mechanisms that create a well- functioning school district. I understand that sound management and astute financial decision-making drives any organization. I have worked diligently to put every dollar available into the classroom and student services by identifying wasteful spending in the budget.
In my term I have made tough decisive decisions to advocate for fiscal responsible budgets, strategies, plans, implementing processes and protocols, retaining and recruiting stellar employees because it takes all these areas working together in tandem in order to focus on closing the achievement gap and produce the outcomes our students deserve.
I want to keep the momentum going because we have come too far as a district in the last year to go back to the ways of the past that did not work.
Right now, my attention is focused on the Re-Opening of the schools for the 2020-21 school year. The district team has invested a significant amount of time problem solving and planning around the return of students in August. All our planning involves a variety of options to accommodate and ensure we provide safe options for students, families, and staff according to their needs. In addition, we need to ensure that we have all the supports in place to provide meaningful learning in all scenarios as we navigate through the 2020-2021 school year.
This is a monumental task. Providing a variety of options for 16,000 students and 2150 employees takes a great deal of understanding of organizational management and strategic budgeting to cover the additional cost.
Also, on the horizon is the projected 10-20% reduction in state revenues for the 2021-2022 budget year. We have to start preparing now for additional areas of efficiencies in operations in order to mitigate the projected loss in revenues.
We are in unprecedented times, but I am confident with the talent we have within the school district that we get through these challenging times as we continue on our new path of transformational change, with the new Superintendent.
Currently serving on the School Board with me are three lifelong educators: two former principals and one university professor. The District 5 seat is to be decided in August.
My background balances the five-member board by bringing a diversity of education, knowledge, and experiences. With any well-functioning School Board, it takes more than just the background in education to transform a district. It is also going to take tough knowledgeable budget decision making and asking the right questions to challenge the status quo.
Additionally, we need to keep a balance in maintaining the parents voice on the board. When re-appointed in November besides me there will only be one other board member with an enrolled public-school student. I have two children currently in high school, a son starting middle school, two grandchildren in elementary school and my oldest daughter is a 2011 graduate.
As a School Board member, I have the unique experience of 22 continuous years of having a child in the school system! Moreover, as the parent of children of such diverse ages, from the boardroom to the classroom I have a professional and personal understanding of the impact of School Board decisions regarding policy, curriculum, budget, and special programs.
Long before running for the School Board in 2016, I showed that I cared about the children, parents, and community through countless volunteer hours as an education advocate on the local and state level. With grace and determination, I have proven that when it comes to our kids, I have high expectations.
I began my journey as an education advocate because as a parent I was not satisfied with the quality of education being provided to my own children. And, now as a Board Member I am not only a voice for my own children but an advocate for all children in Indian River County to receive a quality world class 21st century education.
I have high expectations for all IRC students, and I will continue to advocate for policies and initiatives that are in the best interests of our diverse student body—among them
Retired but active on several corporate, hospital and educational boards. I spent 33 years in financial services holding executive management positions at Merrill Lynch and PaineWebber. I was the managing principal of a LLP that purchased and developed a 150,000 sq. foot indoor entertainment center in NJ. I was CEO of a technology company then became President of Babson College and served from 2001-2008. I chaired either the Finance committee or Audit Committee of Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA over an 11 year span until retiring but continue as a member of its Investment Committee. I am a director of both a bank and a blockchain technology company in Boston and serve as a senior advisor to a middle market investment bank in NYC and two VC/PE firms, one of which is in Vero Beach.
In Indian River County I was a Trustee of St. Edwards School (Advancement Committee Chair) for 6 years and am currently a Vice Chair of Indian River Medical Center (Audit Chair)/Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital Foundation. I was twice elected Mayor of Indian River Shores and served from 2013-2018. I have served over 40 years on the boards of 4 educational institutions as a Trustee, Trustee/Treasurer and Board Chair (Babson College) located in Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Vermont. As a result I have a deep understanding of the mission of educational institutions and their finances. I also currently serve as a Trustee of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center.
Arne Duncan, US Education Secretary from 2009-2015, in a speech given on MLK Day in 2011 stated that “education is the civil rights issue of our generation” and I believe it continues to be. I have been committed to education for many years and to think the IRC public schools rank toward the bottom in the state is unacceptable. Given my experience in education and demonstrated leadership ability throughout my career, I would work with the new Superintendent and other school board members to improve outcomes for all students and help the Superintendent achieve his vision of all A schools by 2025. A top ranked school system along with the top ranked health system in the world at work in our community should bode very well for the future of IRC.
Having transparent finances and helping to allocate resources to areas in the school district where taxpayers can get the highest return. This would include teacher salaries, technology as a tool to enhance learning and many other resources to close the achievement gap for all students, but especially African American students. Allocation to ESE students and their needs must also be addressed. Additionally, doing whatever small part I can play to eliminate the desegregation order if it has not already been removed.
I have experience in finance, education and overall leadership that is an unusual combination that would compliment the experience of the existing board members. I do not believe my opponent’s qualifications can compare to mine. I have a proven track record of accomplishment in both the public and private sector and if elected, will bring that same mindset and commitment to the school board and the community.
HR director/ Business office manager ( for the past 3 years) at an Assisted Living Facility, as well as small business owner for the past 25 years. I worked as a teacher prior to moving to Florida almost 20 years ago.
Volunteer at different IRC schools 2004 – 2014. Chairperson for the Relay for Life (2015, 2016, 2017), benefiting American Cancer Society. “Star” dancer with ” Dancing with Vero Stars”, benefiting Healthy Start Coalition – 2017. Member and a Past President of the Republican Women of Indian River. Served on the Scholarship Committee with that club. Volunteer with Meals on Wheels for Senior Resource Association. Volunteer for the Art Club’s Mural restoration project. Sunday School Teacher at Tabernacle Ministries Church.
I’ve decided to run for the School Board because I care about the future of this community. I’ve been actively involved with the community for the past 12 years. I am a mother of 2 children who attended 5 IRC schools: both public and charter. I’ve been a volunteer in the classroom for 10 years. I know firsthand the issues, expectations and concerns that we face here. Also being a small business owner I will use my financial experience to make fiscally responsible decisions. I will utilize my financial background to effectively put your tax dollars to work.
First and foremost I believe in improving academic achievement. Few years go most of our schools were A & B. This is not a case now. We need to provide a setting where each student can achieve his/her potential. Empower them to build self-esteem and set them up for success. I am a strong supporter for vocational school where they can learn trade and give students an alternative to college path. Other issues are: restoring communication with parents to ensure more parental involvement. We need to work as a team and restore the relationships with parents and teachers; mental health of our students; health safety.
I am a full-time resident here. My husband and I raised our kids here. We know IRC, we know this community we have been actively involved with for the past 15 years. Our children went through 5 IRC schools. I have been an ACTIVE volunteer in the classroom for 10 years. I have degrees in Education and was a teacher. I am a healthcare worker. Have the knowledge on infection control and will use it to ensure the safety of our children when we are ready to open the schools in August.
As a 26 year veteran of the Indian River and County (FL) Sheriff’s Office, I have had extensive experience in Law Enforcement, Corrections, Public Safety Dispatch and Administration before retiring at the rank of Captain.
My prior assignments included roles as the agency’s Strategic Planner, Homeland Security Liaison, Deputy-Division Commander of Investigations, Multi-Agency Criminal Enforcement (Drug Unit) Director, Judicial Services Lieutenant, Uniform Division Watch Commander and Special Operations Lieutenant with oversight of the agency’s Aviation, School Resource, K9, Agriculture and Marine Units.
As a retired Reserve Chief Warrant Officer, with ten years of active duty experience, I am proud to have also stood the watch for my country for over 36 years – as both a reserve soldier and sailor deploying back to active duty for six years in the decade following 911.
As Indian River County’s next Sheriff, I believe I can reform the agency to show humanity and compassion for those we serve, and stand side by side with our residents and our deputies to support a change in culture – in short, because I believe that we deserve better!
I will shift the focus of our policies and practices to prioritize the sanctity of human life while implementing strategies that do not result in racial disparities.
I will take a data-driven approach to focus resources where they will best achieve our defined core missions: to protect our community, prevent crimes and solve problems.
I will attract and retain the best and brightest employees by establishing a competitive step-pay plan; and a fair, consistent process for promotions and selections to return the Sheriff’s Office to the list of “Best Places to Work” in Indian River County.
I will cut the current command staff by half eliminating the ranks of Major and Captain. Fewer redundant layers will empower our (sworn and civilian) first line supervisors and mid-managers with greater decision making authority and responsibility.
I will transform the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office into a model agency that will follow best practices for the handling of public records requests.
I will provide a complete picture of how all tax dollars are spent, curtail year-end spending surges and return unused funds to the taxpayers.
Along with traditional patrol, investigative and traffic duties, as Sheriff you are responsible for the safety and security of the jail; executes writs, process and warrants for the courts; provide county-wide 911 dispatch; and are designated as the lead law enforcement agency under our county’s comprehensive emergency management plan.
I am the lone candidate in this race who holds dual certifications in corrections as well as law enforcement with the operational experience to be Indian River County’s next great Sheriff.
Two Master’s degrees. Currently pursuing a Doctorate. FBI National Academy. Army Antiterrorism School. Army Operations Security School. Army Strategic Planners School. Countless law enforcement courses and certifications
There is drastic need for change in the Sheriff’s Office that only a person with my experience and qualifications can bring about quickly and permanently. Crime is high, transparency is nonexistent, and in my opinion, too many people have sold out to a powerful few who have too much influence on the agency. The organization culture at the command level has decayed. These issues erode public confidence and create a dangerous culture which breeds corruption. Fixing dysfunctional agencies is what I do. The leadership of the Sheriff’s Office needs to be directed into the 21st century with national best practices. The rank and file are not an issue. They simply need responsible, very experienced leadership.
• Create and implement an early warning system to uncover potential discriminatory behavior in police patrol practices.
• Create a substantive Community Affairs Unit, with rank, to solve real-life problems in the community, not just secure votes for the next Sheriff’s election.
• Never again pay an attorney taxpayer money to avoid releasing records which may be embarrassing to the agency.
• Increase the number of upper-level managers who are direct reports to the Sheriff in order to hold management accountable for the actions of the rank and file deputies, rather than continue to erode the morale of the rank and file by blaming them for everything.
• Completely reorganize the narcotics enforcement efforts by doubling the use of undercover narcotics operatives.
• Utilize a Management Accountability Program to hold all leaders accountable for reducing the number of burglaries and increasing the closure rate.
Experience and qualifications. In most aspects of law enforcement, the other three candidates combined do not have the experience or qualifications I have. Here is a very brief overview of experience and qualifications which no other candidate has:
Police Chief for the City of Fellsmere since 2013. Prior to that I spent nearly 25 years with the Vero Beach Police Department. I left there as a captain and second in command to become the chief in Fellsmere. I have served in uniform patrol, K9, SWAT, criminal investigations, and held supervisory and command level positions in both operation and support roles. I am adjunct faculty at the Florida Institute of Technology where I serve as the primary ethics instructor for their online criminal justice degree program. I am the primary ethics instructor at the Indian River State College criminal justice leader program and I teach ethics in several program hosted by the Florida Police Chiefs Association and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. I am a veteran of the Marine Corps and Army Reserve.
Member of the Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA). Member of the FPCA Legislative Committee. Member and past Chairman of the FPCA Professional Standards Committee. Member and past President of the Treasure Coast Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs Association. Chairman of the FDLE Region XI Training Council at IRSC. Member and past chairman of the Executive Roundtable of Indian River County. Member of the Treasure Coast Opioid Task Force and past chairman of the its public safety sub-committee. Member and co-founder of the Fellsmere Action Community Team (FACT). Member of the Moonshot Community Action Network (MCAN). Member of the Fellsmere Exchange Club. Mentor, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of St. Lucie and Indian River Counties.
I am running for sheriff because I have a vision for policing in Indian River County that involves greater collaboration with the community; collaboration based on the premise that crime is a social problem and all of us must work together if we are to reduce crime and enhance our quality of life. I am also running to address the dysfunctional organizational culture at the sheriffs office brought about by a leadership style that values personal loyalty over talent and ability. A style that does not adequately address salary discrepancies or make opportunities available to all members in a fair, impartial, and consistent manner. This leadership style has driven away numerous quality people and resulted in low morale and poor service. Many in the community have lost respect for, and trust in our sheriffs office.
To address the many challenges facing our community and the law enforcement profession as a whole. COVID-19, criminal justice reform, and the threat of terrorism top the list, but we must also remain focused on the many issues that continue to require our attention: crime, drugs, traffic concerns, mental health, and an increasing homeless population. These are all top priorities but they cannot be adequately addressed until we fix the leadership and accountability issues that contribute to the loss of quality personnel and the loss of public trust.
I am the chief executive law enforcement officer of a police department with 31 years of law enforcement experience in Indian River County. I have long established relationships with many people through my work and professional affiliations and have a history of getting the job done. I offer a vision for policing in Indian River County based on an award winning philosophy initiated when I became the police chief in Fellsmere. That vision is also the product of citizen input obtained during twelve town hall meetings conducted since June 2019. As a result of my 31 years of service to this community, my knowledge of the issues currently plaguing our sheriffs office and citizen input, I am convinced that our sheriffs office needs an experienced leader with a proven track record for success at the executive level; one who recognizes the greatest threats to our safety, understands the need to collaborate, and has the skills and ability to bring a diverse population together to focus on the vision: reducing crime and enhancing our quality of life while we restore public trust. I am that leader
tax collections – banking: internal audit, operations, customer service – Certified Florida Collector Assistant (CFCA) Department of Revenue – Executive Leadership Certification, Valencia College – Records Management Liaison Officer – HS diploma Vero Bch
Positions held during the 14 years – Bankruptcy & Collections Supervisor, Director of Delinquent Tangible/Bankruptcy Collections, Director of operations, Chief of Staff/Director of Operations (last 5 years of service)
I know from first hand experience there are extensive internal issues in the office. the enormous amount of wasteful spending that taxpayers are unaware of. For example: the newly opened beach office that is not even equipped to issue a driver‘s license. It has been closed since March (not even a year after opening) and taxpayers are on the hook for about $6k monthly to cover the rent,utilities, etc., why was this new office even considered when proper research had not even been completed, such as the cost of fiber optics. $24,000 Annually at $2,000 monthly being spent to be on the radio to advertise the office. Excessive salary increases for perceived loyalty – the executive assistant received almost a $20,000 increase in salary last year and is currently making $87,769 annually! This is a government office!
I will bring much needed transparency, accountability, ethical leadership and fiscal responsibility to the office.
Employee retention, sensitivity training, performance based reviews, increases based on merit based performance and mentoring for succession in critical positions. In the 11 years of the current administration, 106 employees have left the office. The 2019/2020 budget reflects 68 positions. The current Tax Collector was appointed to office in 2009 with a staff of 46. I was employee #61 to leave in 2016, that means 45 more employees have left in 3 1/2 years! It takes an average of $8,000 to fully train an employee, that equates to $848,000 in lost taxpayer dollars! Two separate employee leasing companies (one in Tallahassee???) are being used. The Tallahassee firm is being used to manage the retiring employees that are being brought back as independent contractors! This should not be happening! Mentoring and promoting from entry level not only creates a positive work environment, it ensures the institutional knowledge is being passed on to secure a solid and sound succession plan of key positions.
Ethics. I am not a career politician and have no desire to climb the political ladder in Tallahassee. I am deeply involved in our community through civic and non-profit organizations. I have 14 years of hands on executive level experience at the Tax Collector’s office combined with 22 years of banking experience. I believe that experience far exceeds the 11 years the current Tax Collector has been on the job. I do not look at this job as a lifetime position. I do believe in term limits! Because of my operational and customer service skills; as the Chief of Staff for 5 of the 7 years working for the current tax collector, I played an instrumental role in the implementation of many policy and procedures that currently exist in the Tax Collector’s office. I am deeply rooted in our community and believe that giving personally of my time, talent and treasure is just important as being paid professionally in our local offices.
Certified Florida Collector, Eastern Airlines Reservations Training Academy, Southwest Miami High School
Carole Jean Jordan, a West Virginian by birth, relocated to Florida in the early sixties. She worked in the male-dominated aviation industry until moving to Vero Beach with her family to become a small businesswoman. In 1973, she and her husband, Bill, founded Jordan Sprinkler Systems, Inc., an irrigation company serving Vero Beach. Shortly thereafter, Jordan took over the day-to-day business operations, including oversight of customer service, financial management, and employee relations. Today, the company is serving the Treasure Coast under the management of their son, Billy.
Jordan overcame numerous challenges while developing her business, including balancing the demands of business ownership and motherhood while learning management skills on the job, working within ever-changing local and state regulations, and actively overseeing job sites before women’s presence in construction became more commonly accepted. Jordan’s commitment to superb customer service, constant networking, and frequently adding innovative services were major factors in growing Jordan Sprinkler Systems to its current success.
Jordan transferred her experience and management skills from the corporate world to the political arena. Elected Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida in 2003, she reshaped the organization by implementing contemporary business-based practices in an effort to foster efficiency, better organization, positive public relations, and develop sound fiscal policy. Under her leadership, the Party eliminated nearly three million dollars in debt, as well as entirely satisfying the mortgage on the George H.W. Bush Republican Center in Tallahassee, Florida, and instituted sensible financial procedures to administer the millions of dollars raised and expended on behalf of its candidates. In 2003, she chartered the Florida Federation of Black Republicans, the first statewide black Republican organization. President George W. Bush was re-elected during her chairmanship in 2004 by nearly 400,000 votes statewide. Additionally, Florida was one of only three states to elect a Republican to the open gubernatorial seat in 2006. The success of her leadership was quickly recognized, which led to her election as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee’s Council of State Chairmen.
In 2005, Jordan was appointed to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, a program that offers young men and women first hand experience working at the highest levels of the Federal government. As a Commissioner, she worked side-by-side with her colleagues to guide this highly competitive process to select the White House Fellows from the exceptional group of national finalists.
Carole Jean Jordan was appointed by the President to serve as a member of the National Women’s Business Council in 2007. The NWBC serves as an advisory board to the White House, the Congress, and the Small Business Administration on issues pertinent to women business owners.
Jordan has served on several international delegations, including trips to Russia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In addition, she has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, NBC, FOX and scores of other national and international radio and television stations.
Carole Jean Jordan currently serves as Tax Collector of Indian River County. She was elected in November 2008 and is the first woman to hold this constitutional office.
Florida Tax Collector’s Association, former Legislative Chair and former Concealed Weapons License Chair
I am running because we are on a positive path, on which we need to continue. We have made significant improvements as our office focused on adaptability, convenience, and efficiency. Upon taking office as Tax Collector, the leadership team and staff shifted to a “how may we help you?” service model.
For our team, adaptability is central to almost everything we do. Adaptability in the Tax Collector’s Office is needed to achieve a high tech/low tech balance depending on the customer’s interest and resources, offering new services or localizing services that residents desire to be within easy reach, mobility-related concerns, and most recently adjustments in response to state guidance related to COVID-19. Accelerating the use and functionality of technology in the office was critical. From the moment people awaken, their day is filled with smartphones, TVs, tablets, and computers. As people became more comfortable with transacting government business over their devices, we adapted to ensure we were well-positioned to accommodate that. On the other side of the coin, we have maintained traditional options for people not comfortable with higher tech processes. Our leadership team has worked together to strike a good balance between these two preferences. Bringing national programs to the local community has received positive feedback and a good amount of use. For example, in the almost three years we have served as a TSA Pre-Check application acceptance agent, we have processed nearly 6,000 applications. Mobility issues can stem from physical or medical situations or from lack of access to reliable transportation. We have received positive feedback from individuals stating that being able to conduct business on our website or through the drive-thru lanes has greatly aided in alleviating some of these struggles when conducting business.
Convenience is a key to creating a positive customer interaction. We amplified the convenience of Tax Collector Office services in multiple ways. First, we absorbed the state-run DMV local office. This process was one step toward our creation of a one-stop shop for obtaining local government services. Second, we created additional customer service positions to serve more individuals simultaneously – and we were able to do this while still returning over $31 million to Indian River County. Third, we added a fourth office at the Oceanside County Complex. This location did two things: reduced wait times at the Main Office by removing the need for beach residents to come to the County Administration Building and gave our easternmost residents and businesses a closer location for service. We expect to announce the addition of driver license services to the beach office in the coming weeks. Lastly, we implemented Express Lane services, which created an opportunity for residents to renew their vehicle registrations via our secure online portal and then retrieve their little yellow sticker through the Express Lane at the West, Main, and Sebastian offices and through the Main Office drive-thru, often the same day.
Efficiency is a hallmark of a well-run government office. Our overarching business model of being a one-stop shop for over a dozen government services helps to create this for customers. In one visit, an Indian River County resident can make their Florida driver license Real ID Act compliant, renew their vehicle registration and collect their little yellow sticker, buy a SunPass transponder, pay their property taxes, buy a Hunting and Fishing License, apply for domestic known traveler status with the TSA Pre-Check program, and submit their application for a Concealed Weapons License. If that person owns a business or a boat, they can manage those taxes and registrations, as well. Additionally, if they are a commercial truck driver or hospitality worker, we can assist with the TWIC card application process. If that person also requires fingerprinting for a Florida professional license, such as a mortgage loan originator or attorney, or a HazMat certification, we can also provide that through our contract with IdentoGO.
It is my honor to serve as your Tax Collector. My top priority from the first day I took office and moving forward remains to create a positive and efficient customer service experience that adapts to changing times, new service offerings, and Indian River County’s growing population.
As a small business owner since 1973, I understand what it takes to balance exceptional customer service with cost-saving measures. Finding that balance is not something consistently taught in corporate careers at giant corporations. Having an entrepreneurial background in addition to decades of executive leadership experience, uniquely positions me to continue to eliminate bureaucracy, focus on positive customer interactions, and continue to return excess dollars to Indian River County through conservative fiscal management.
Post time: Jul-03-2020